The easiest way to Long or Short NFT markets

The easiest way to Long or Short NFT markets

🧙‍♀️ 🧙‍♂️ 🧙
Wicked Simple UI

Select a Market Dropdown

1. Select Market

1. Select Market

Choose from a variety of NFT collections and macro markets.

Choose from a variety of NFT collections and macro markets.

Choose from a variety of NFT collections and macro markets.

Pick Direction Toggle

2. Pick a Side

Predict if the total market capitalization is going up or down.

Predict if the total market capitalization is going up or down.

Predict if the total market capitalization is going up or down.

Deposit Input

3. Deposit Tokens

Select your favorite fungible and make a deposit.

Select your favorite fungible and make a deposit.

Select your favorite fungible and make a deposit.

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Even More…

Safe AF

Price oracles are on-chain, fraud-resistant, and deterministically reproducible.

Price oracles are on-chain, fraud-resistant, and deterministically reproducible.

Price oracles are on-chain, fraud-resistant, and deterministically reproducible.

Play the Odds

Funding rates are whack. Odds are easy. Easy is better than complex, duh.

Funding rates are whack. Odds are easy. Easy is better than complex, duh.

Funding rates are whack. Odds are easy. Easy is better than complex, duh.

Impermanent What?!

Open positions with WETH, USDC, and more.

Open positions with WETH, USDC, and more.

Open positions with WETH, USDC, and more.

Free Lunch

To hell with rent seekers. We won't take any cut of fees until our community says so.

To hell with rent seekers. We won't take any cut of fees until our community says so.

To hell with rent seekers. We won't take any cut of fees until our community says so.

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Why the All-Nighters?

To protect everyday investors from getting REKT

Because frankly, we think it's whack that existing frameworks do a poor job of actually protecting the people they were originally designed to serve. So we're going to do it for them.

Because frankly, we think it's whack that existing frameworks do a poor job of actually protecting the people they were originally designed to serve.

Because frankly, we think it's whack that existing frameworks do a poor job of actually protecting the people they were originally designed to serve.

Mimicry Markets are 😸 Crazy Cool

What's cooler than betting on Apes or Punks? Betting on Yuga. Want to long metaverse real estate? LFG! 🚀






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Still Not Convinced?

Check out a few of our most common FAQs and hit us up on our Discord if you want to know anything else at all.

WTF is Mimicry?

How much money can I make?

Are there any platform fees involved?

Are there any fees involved?

Is there a funding rate?

How is price manipulation prevented?

Wen token?

Can leverage be added to positions?

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Gracious Supporters

We're super grateful that some of the best and brightest in crypto believe that Mimicry needs to exist.

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Security Auditors

Our contracts have been audited by CertiK and 0xMacro.

What are you waiting for? Go get that alpha!